Consultancy and Training

KREC provides infrastructure and organisational support for developing voluntary, public and private sector. KREC provides training on awareness raising, impact of policies and implementation of equalities in practice.

Case Study:


KREC’s CEO was invited to become an Independent Adviser to the Metropolitan Police Service just before the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry published its watershed report to help recover the lost trust and confidence by the Black communities of the Police and to advise on how to re-engage with the communities.

At the outset the KREC CEO was asked to Chair a Panel which re-investigated the racist murder/disappearance of a young Asian man. The CEO also joined a wider Independent Advisory Group (IAG) made up of the Met Police’s “Sternest Critics” who acted as critical friends and challenged myths and stereotypes of the Black communities.

KREC Input

Training programmes were designed to address to charge of Institutional Racism labelled against the Police. KREC’s CEO took part in a number of these training sessions including the Senior Management of Critical Incident Training (SMoCIT), Racism Awareness, Cultural Awareness and the Impact of the Stephen Lawrence investigation on the Black communities.


KREC’s CEO also took part in numerous Gold Group meetings which were used to manage Critical Incidents. He also sat on numerous Strategic Oversight Groups which securitised decision-making and policy. He also took part in very sensitive operations and remains the only non-Police personnel who had access to the draft Jean Charles De Menezes report. He also took part in big investigations such as Damilola Taylor, Adam – a six year old Black boy whose torso was found in the River Thames and Victoria Climbie.

KREC’s CEO remains an active adviser to the Met Police and Police Forces throughout the UK.