KREC promotes all its work by getting invited by agencies and supporting campaigns and initiatives to increase the knowledge on Equalities, Human Rights and strategies which help sustain the Community and Voluntary Sectors. We do this through:
- Awareness Raising
- Advocacy
- Local and Social Media
Campaigning on Race and Community incidents which threaten a negative impact on the borough, e.g. Ricky Reel, the murder of a Korean student along the river Thames or on national events such as the murder of Stephen Lawrence
KREC works with Schools, College, University to share information, promote policies on safety, engagement and cohesion, community participation and citizenship.
KREC helps support organisations as a Strategic Lead by sharing information bringing groups together to support campaigns and work in Partnership.
Positive Kingston
KREC takes it’s role as a Community organisation in the Royal Borough of Kingston very seriously and believes that it has a responsibility to positively promote all aspects that are good about the Borough to its residents as well as people outside who may want to visit Kingston. This is done through a number of projects:
- Kingston Carnival
- Bike Across Cultures/Sports Across Cultures
- Walking for Health
- All Nations Projects
Other Areas of Work
- We also work in a variety of other areas:
- The Police- Independent advisory group; we are called to various critical incidents locally and London Wide
- Citizenship Ceremonies- Attendence at monthly ceremonies for new citizens to represent the borough with the Mayor of Kingston
- Be a voice for the vulnerable people in our community and help set up voluntary organisations for ‘hard to engage with’ communities to help them settle and integrate with the host community.
- Challenge far right political activities
- Hold political parties to account on equalities prior to national and local elections
Case Study:
KREC (Kingston) was approached by the Runnymede Trust, the UK’s leading Independent Race Equality Think Tank as one on only three London Boroughs out of thirty two to take part in an innovative research project – Race Equality Scorecard – to look at seven identified key indicators and shine a light on how Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities were doing in these areas compared with their White counterparts using data analysis to raise awareness.
The seven identified key indicators were: Criminal Justice, Education, Employment, Housing, Health, Civic Participation and Volunteering. The two other London Boroughs invited to take part were Croydon and Redbridge. The methodology used was to access data held by Statutory and Voluntary organisations locally and nationally.
KREC Input
KREC worked positively with local Stakeholders with the Royal Borough of Kingston taking an active part in the research project and supporting the work. The Kingston Strategic Partnership (KSP) monitored the work and reports were submitted on progress. Participating organisations submitted responses to the Scorecard reports which were produced during the four phases of the Scorecard. Chief Officers and the Leader of the Council took part in video produced as part of the research and these were circulated widely and used to raise awareness on performance of BAME communities.
At the end of every phase of the Scorecard the Report is launched to publicise the findings and Stakeholders and communities are invited to share and comment on the report findings.
KREC has invited other London Boroughs to take part in the Race Equality Scorecard and this phase the London Borough of Sutton took part with plans to get Wandsworth and Richmond involved in the future. KREC is also embarking on work with Kingston University to address those areas where negative impact has been identified and to find ways to address these.